Internet safety is an important topic that has been around since the beginning of the internet. As a result there were many resources available that I searched through during my research. When I began my research I wanted to make sure that I was looking for Canadian content. This was important to me during my research because I wanted to make sure that what I brought into my classroom followed Canadian law. When dealing with a topic that involves the law it is important to make sure the content you are sharing is Canadian. We want to make sure students are getting relevant information that pertains to their lives, especially when we are dealing with things that could possibly be life changing. When doing a Google search for Canadian materials it was fairly easy to find what I was looking for, which I really appreciated. Too often there isn’t enough Canadian content, however it seems like companies have prioritized internet safety as something they want to promote and support for students. One example that I found was that the company Shaw was a supporter of the website Zoe and Molly which had games, a comic and information for kids on internet safety.
When looking at articles through the UBC library, the majority of the articles were not based in Canada. The article I focused on was based in the United States and talked about various ways children can be exploited through the internet.While this information is important, I think that this is where we need to be cautious about how much we share with children. Yes students need to be informed about the dangers and possible threats on the internet, however we also need to be cautious about telling students about all of the evils that have happened. I think that this is something that I struggle with the most when talking about internet safety, making sure that students are informed but also remembering that I am talking to 10 year olds.
Overall I am glad that I have researched and learned more about internet safety. It can often looked over as there is just so much other information to teach. However, this may be one topic that students need the most as it will benefit them throughout their lives because whether we like it or not, the internet is here to stay.
Works Cited:
1. Foxhall, Kathryn. "Preventing exploitation of kids on the Internet." Contemporary Pediatrics, Dec. 2014, p. 10. Health Reference Center Academic, Accessed 20 Jan. 2019.
2. (2019). Zoe & Molly Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].
I agree with you that Internet safety is something that can get overlooked. Understanding how to navigate safely, in a world that asks students to be both consumers and creators online, is critical. Where could you take your learning from here? Will it form the basis for your Final Vision project? What are your plans for this new learning?