Sunday, 27 January 2019

Reading Review #3

Internet safety is an important topic that has been around since the beginning of the internet. As a result there were many resources available that I searched through during my research. When I began my research I wanted to make sure that I was looking for Canadian content. This was important to me during my research because I wanted to make sure that what I brought into my classroom followed Canadian law. When dealing with a topic that involves the law it is important to make sure the content you are sharing is Canadian. We want to make sure students are getting relevant information that pertains to their lives, especially when we are dealing with things that could possibly be life changing. When doing a Google search for Canadian materials it was fairly easy to find what I was looking for, which I really appreciated. Too often there isn’t enough Canadian content, however it seems like companies have prioritized internet safety as something they want to promote and support for students. One example that I found was that the company Shaw was a supporter of the website Zoe and Molly which had games, a comic and information for kids on internet safety.

When looking at articles through the UBC library, the majority of the articles were not based in Canada. The article I focused on was based in the United States and talked about various ways children can be exploited through the internet.While this information is important, I think that this is where we need to be cautious about how much we share with children. Yes students need to be informed about the dangers and possible threats on the internet, however we also need to be cautious about telling students about all of the evils that have happened. I think that this is something that I struggle with the most when talking about internet safety, making sure that students are informed but also remembering that I am talking to 10 year olds.

Overall I am glad that I have researched and learned more about internet safety. It can often looked over as there is just so much other information to teach. However, this may be one topic that students need the most as it will benefit them throughout their lives because whether we like it or not, the internet is here to stay.

Works Cited:

1. Foxhall, Kathryn. "Preventing exploitation of kids on the Internet." Contemporary Pediatrics, Dec. 2014, p. 10. Health Reference Center Academic, Accessed 20 Jan. 2019.

2. (2019). Zoe & Molly Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Reading Review Blog Post #2

I have decided to focus on one of my interests from the first blog for this assignment. I think that diving deeper into one of my ideas will bring me more understanding and be more beneficial for me in the long run. 

So the winner is……… INTERNET SAFETY! Yay!

Like most people who start researching a topic, I went straight for a Google search of internet safety for kids. I also wanted to focus on Canadian websites to make sure the information was accurate for our students and Canadian law. 

The first website I looked at was . This website is geared mostly towards parents and guardians. However as an educator I feel that it is important for us to know and understand what students and their parents are dealing with at home. I felt that the Emerging Issues section was useful as it broke down issues by age. I understand that these are not hard and fast guidelines, but it does help as a starting point for the grade you are talking to. Reading the “What you can do” to each problem have great starting points to parents and educators. 

The website is a Canadian Government website that would be a great research starting point for students in grades 5-7. Being able to look at the risks that various online activities could have is both interesting and informative. Looking at online banking, email and gaming are all areas that are or will be beneficial for students to learn about. 

The article “Preventing exploitation of kids on the Internet.” by Kathryn Foxhall talks in her article mainly about the exploitation of children. This fits with the B.C. New Curriculum for grade 5’s in the curricular competencies under Physical and Health Education. The social and community health competency states “Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations”. While this academic article is for adults, it is an important read to help understand the ways predators lure kids into explicit activities. 

Finally the website is a website for grade 3-5 students that includes a comic, game and quiz. This website engages students at their level to talk about safety concerns that they may face. While the comic is more geared for girls, it is still an important topic for everyone to learn about.

I leave you with this short video by Timone and Pumba. This is a great video that highlights basic technology safety is a very accessible way. 

Works Cited:

1. (2019). Physical and Health Education 5 | Building Student Success - BC's New Curriculum. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].

2. Foxhall, Kathryn. "Preventing exploitation of kids on the Internet." Contemporary Pediatrics, Dec. 2014, p. 10. Health Reference Center Academic, Accessed 20 Jan. 2019.

3. (2019). GetCyberSafe - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].

4. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].

5. (2019). Zoe & Molly Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Reading Review Blog Post #1

First blog post for LIBE 477B, here we go!

There are multiple areas pertaining to digital literacy and technology that I am interested in exploring over the next few month. Last year I settled into a a full time position at a K-5 school. Here I teach grade 4/5 three days a week and I am the Teacher-Librarian two days a week. Now that I have finally settled into a more permanent position that I see myself staying at for the next few years. I am excited to tailor my blog to fit what I would teach to my grade 4/5 students both in my class and through the library.

One area that I feel can often be skipped over by teachers (I am guilty of this too) is internet safety. With teaching students how to actually use technology, internet safety can sometimes be pushed to the side. However, being safe on the internet is an important skill for students to have. We often hear horror stories on the news about predators, stolen identity and bullying. These are important issues that we need to address with our students so they are aware and can combat these problems with some background information. Through a quick search, there is a lot of academic articles on this topic as well as professionals who talk about this subject. I feel that this would be a beneficial topic for me to research so I can become more confident to discuss with my students as well as important lessons for them to learn about.

Another area of interest for me is how to use technology to help support teaching the Social Studies curriculum. This term I am teaching a new topic in Social Studies that I have never taught before. The Big Idea is from the grade 4 Social Studies curriculum, “Demographic changes in North America created shifts in economic and political power.”(  I would like to add in technology and online resources that would support students’ learning. I currently only have a student text book as my resource. Granted they are brand new texts with a lot of local and Indigenous content, just using the text will not create a lot of student engagement. I also have a very wide range of academic abilities in my classroom and a text book is not always the best way to reach every learner in the classroom. If I choose this topic I would hope to find ways to support all of my learners through the use of digital technology.

To end this post I leave you with a gif from the t.v show The Office that is (loosely) about internet safety.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Hi Everyone,

Here is my blog for LIBE 477B. I’m excited to learn with everyone this year.
